Ethereal Evolution. Following the avant-garde tradition, this series includes eight large cyanotypes on paper which involve live performances in their production process. Improvisational dancers perform on the pre-coated Pi Paper and expose their body movements to light. By allowing the action of the light to create silhouettes, ethereal blurry white shadows appear on the blue paper.
----Liang Hai
Han Qin: Ethereal Evolution installation view, photograph by Nadia Peichao Lin ©Han Qin, courtesy Fou Gallery
Han Qin: Ethereal Evolution installation view, photograph by Nadia Peichao Lin ©Han Qin, courtesy Fou Gallery
Han Qin: Ethereal Evolution installation view, photograph by Nadia Peichao Lin ©Han Qin, courtesy Fou Gallery
Han Qin: Ethereal Evolution installation view, photograph by Nadia Peichao Lin ©Han Qin, courtesy Fou Gallery

Han Qin: Ethereal Evolution installation view, photograph by Nadia Peichao Lin ©Han Qin, courtesy Fou Gallery