Floating Clouds 2--Going East and West,
Cyanotype, watercolor, inkjet print on silk,
15.7 x 15.7 inches
Cyanotype, watercolor, inkjet print on silk,
15.7 x 15.7 inches
浮云 2--东来西去
40 x 40 cm
40 x 40 cm
The inspiration for my "Floating Clouds" series comes from my walks amidst the waves on the south shore of Long Island. During these strolls, I am often reminded of Li Bai's poem, "Floating clouds, the thoughts of a wanderer." The imagery of swimmers riding the waves and travelers returning home after countless voyages resonates deeply with me. It symbolizes our adventurous spirit as humans, setting sail to discover and land on new territories.

Floating Clouds 1--The Wanderer's Waves

Floating Clouds 5
There’s also something profoundly beautiful about witnessing the moon rising over the sea and sky, blending into one harmonious scene. This series is my way of connecting with Li Bai's poetry in a tangible way. It’s a romantic depiction of nature, and it captures my personal experiences of solitude and self-exploration in these natural settings.

Floating Clouds 3--Sunset old friend

Floating Clouds 4--Farewell Here
我创作 "浮云 "系列的灵感来自于在长岛南岸海浪中的漫步。在漫步的过程中,我常常会想起李白的诗句:"浮云游子意"。游泳者乘风破浪,旅行者历尽千辛万苦归来,这些意象深深地引起了我的共鸣。它象征着我们人类的冒险精神,扬帆起航,去发现和登陆新的领土。

Han Qin in her studio, 2024