Home is an installation consisting of a cyanotype animation projected onto a piece of silk. White images are silkscreened onto the fabric, all of these explore the feeling of relocating and immigrating. It is an abstract narrative moving image installation, inspired by the rich cultural landscape of New York and the stories of travel. The piece possesses a sentimental and delightful quality, which in turn implies a poetic depiction of the understanding of home.
The subject matter is explored using cyanotype, drawing, silkscreen on fabric and animation.
The cyanotype process gives the panels a bluish color, and create a feeling that is simultaneously peaceful and distressing. Onto the fabric I silkscreened white human figures, on which, people are falling very slowly from the top to bottom, as if they are peeling off of it. The animation was started with cyanotype prints, then explored including charcoal drawings, 2D animation and After Effect.
HOME, 2016
Cyanotype animation on silk
366 x 60 cm | 12 x 5 feet
Cyanotype animation on silk
366 x 60 cm | 12 x 5 feet
I would like to put video and prints together to show the multidisciplinary approach I am exploring. The piece as a whole is a multilayered experience in which viewers are invited to rethink their own perceptions of home, urging them to evolve from mere spectatorship to conscious participation.
The works will be projected onto the exterior walls of the Heckscher Museum of Art in Heckscher Park.
"This is an ideal venue for this type of event," said Heather Arnet, Executive Director of the Heckscher Museum of Art.
"This is an ideal venue for this type of event," said Heather Arnet, Executive Director of the Heckscher Museum of Art.
Elements of the Slideshow, presented in succession, similarly take the viewer on a journey of the soul: from contemplation introspection to bold hope. The exhibition immerses the viewer in an artistic exploration of existential questions.
家 "是一件装置作品,由投射在一块丝绸上的蓝晒动画组成。白色图像被丝网印刷到织物上,所有这些图像都在探讨搬迁和移民的感觉。这是一个抽象的叙事动态图像装置,灵感来自纽约丰富的文化景观和旅行故事。作品具有一种感伤和愉悦的特质,这反过来又意味着对家的理解的诗意描绘。
晒蓝的过程赋予作品这种⾊调, ⼀种似平静似忧郁的蓝⾊。丝绸之上是⽤丝⺴印制的⽩⾊⼈形图案,这些⼈从上倒下⾶下来,好像从⼀个地⽅剥离下来。这动画从晒蓝的图⽚开始,添加炭笔绘画,和软件编辑。
这些作品将被投射到位于赫克歇尔公园(Heckscher Park)的赫克歇尔艺术博物馆(Heckscher Museum of Art)的外墙上。"赫克歇尔艺术博物馆执行总监 Heather Arnet 说:"这里是举办此类活动的理想场所。